World Class Publishers
What Publishers are available on Noa?
The publishers currently available on Noa include: The Economist, MIT Technology Review, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Bloomberg, UnHerd, Prospect, Insider (formerly Business Insider), The Conversation, Foreign Affairs, The Independent (UK), The New York Times, The TLS, The Telegraph, Evening Standard, The Irish Times, and more.
If you would like to see us add a particular publisher to our line-up, please let us know by reaching out here.
Does Noa have permission to narrate a publisher’s article?
Yes, we have signed contracts in place with all the publishers available on Noa.
If you would like to recommend a new publisher, please get let us know by getting in touch here.
Does Noa produce every article from a given publisher?
No, and there are a few good reasons for this. The first is that not every text article produced by a publisher is suitable for audio. Some pieces rely too much on visual aids that are lost over audio, while others are too number heavy and are difficult to follow when read aloud.
Next, Noa looks to avoid breaking news and instead focuses on producing a mix of narrative rich, analysis, and opinion pieces. Either the publisher’s own editorial team, or Noa’s own in-house editors, handpick only the best articles. They consciously decide what should be produced over audio.
Do you edit the original articles or are they read word for word?
We strive to narrate the pieces word for word according to the original text version that appears on a publisher’s website. The only exception we make is when we feel the format of the text may be difficult to follow, or even misunderstood, over audio. Such edits are kept as subtle as possible and great efforts are made to ensure they have no impact on the article’s message and meaning.
How do you work with and support publishers?
While details vary from publisher to publisher, there is a common objective shared across all our agreements. We want to partner with publishers who see the opportunity in growing the audience for quality journalism. As we make a publisher’s valuable writing more accessible for those who don’t have time to read, we believe everyone can benefit.
If you work with a publisher who would like to discuss a relationship with Noa, please introduce yourself by email ( and provide a brief summary of what you would like to achieve with your audio offering.
Can I access the audio directly from the publisher?
In certain cases, yes. Several publishers that we work with use the Noa audio player on their websites. This allows their readers the option to listen to particular articles without having to visit the Noa app.
I work for a publisher, how do we partner with Noa?
We’d love to hear from you. We have years of experience and a strong production operation that can quickly bring your audio plans to life.
Please introduce yourself by email ( and provide a brief summary of what you would like to achieve with your audio offering.
The Role of Our Editor’s
What do Noa’s Editors do?
In short, Noa’s editorial team works hard every week to make it easier for our listeners to understand the news.
Each editor constantly has one eye on the biggest stories that are breaking and developing across the publishers we work with. They track these and look to identify which ones are likely to have the biggest impact on the world.
Following a ‘slow journalism’ approach to the news, they are not interested in fleeting news headlines or reporting that does not help a listener develop a deeper comprehension of a topic. They typically allow the dust to settle for a couple of days on any news item, before then carefully picking out the articles that offer the strongest analysis, opinions, and perspectives on the subject. In doing this they help to filter out a lot of the noise we all face when we go to find out more about a news story we are interested in.
When making their content decisions, they follow a set of editorial principles that steer them away from telling you how to think, and instead, lead them to give you the information that you require to form your own thoughts on the subject. To do this effectively, they make a point of ensuring that as many Series as possible offer diversity of thought by way of multiple and often polarising perspectives.
Once they have chosen the suitable articles, they ensure they are narrated in an optimal way, before packaging them into a Noa Series (a topic-specific playlist). To help guide listeners through these Series, they write a brief introduction that provides you with a better sense of why the team believes the subject matter is important, while also outlining what you can expect from the subsequent articles.
Among other things, the editors also write a weekly newsletter that highlights what the team saw as the biggest news story of the week.
What type of topics does Noa cover?
Noa’s editors are focused on covering the news that matters most to our audience. To deliver on this, they keep a very open mind and will ultimately produce material on any topic that they believe the world should know more about.
The majority of Noa’s content spans politics, business, technology, finance, and economics.
The team does appreciate the need to give people some lighter listens from time to time, and for this reason, they also present great long-form articles that touch upon history, the arts, culture, sport, health, and leisure.
If you have a topic request and want to share it with the team, please feel free to get in touch with the team. Either contact one of our editors directly, or send a message via the team’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profiles.
Why does Noa focus on certain categories?
Noa was created for anyone who wants to be better informed, and so, given the universal demand from people of all backgrounds, Noa has produced Series on a broad variety of topics.
However, you will see a lot of our content leans towards politics, business, technology, finance, and economics. From our earliest days, we found high demand across these subjects from professionals working in the knowledge economy. For them, commercial awareness is paramount to success, yet their available time to read is often low. This led to their fast adaption of Noa.
We also believe that political and business decisions have an unrivalled ability to impact the broader population. Whether people have a general interest in these subjects or not, it tends to be within their interest to stay informed and to know more about what impacts their day-to-day lives.
Why does Noa cover only certain news stories?
Noa does not offer breaking news and focuses on a slower form of journalism. Our editors take a deep breath before reacting to the news and consciously look to avoid producing content on anything that is regarded as fleeting, or that is not expected to have some noteworthy impact on the future.
The team wants to offer you far more value by focusing on the analysis and thought leadership pieces that can help you shape your own view of tomorrow’s world.
When you come to listen to a Series or a standalone article on Noa, we want you to have the utmost confidence that it is time well spent. That is why we are selective and only cover certain news stories.
What are Noa’s Series?
In short, Series make you smarter.
Series are the name given to the playlists that our editors create on a daily basis. Each Series covers a specific topic and includes between two and five articles (which we call Episodes, to stick with the ‘TV series’ theme).
At the beginning of each Series is a short 60-second to 2-minute introduction, which is written by a Noa editor. This intro provides valuable context on the subject at hand.
Series are hands down the easiest way to understand and know more about important and complex topics. You’ll walk away having heard multiple perspectives from the world’s best journalists and be well-equipped to form your own opinion on the subject at hand.
How do you decide on what articles make it into a Series?
As you might imagine, it can be tricky to decide what articles should be included and what should be excluded. For each new Series, our team follows a holistic approach guided by a set of clear editorial principles. We examine all the available content from our publishers and examine how the pieces might work if combined and presented in different sequences.
It is important that every Series we produce has clear educational value. It must also be thought-provoking, offer global insights, and crucially, present multiple perspectives. We do not shy away from presenting polarising ideas and outlooks, but all opinion pieces must be supported by substance and not empty rhetoric.
What is your political ideology/philosophy?
Our editorial team is made up of many individuals with a range of political leanings. They are, however, all united by one key philosophy at Noa. That is, that each and every one of us is capable of deciding our own world outlook. But, to be effective at this, we first need to be exposed to many perspectives. It is only by listening to others and understanding their points of view, that we can then confidently form our own positions and indeed political alliances.
So, while some of us may lean left, and others lean right, as a team we encourage open dialogue that exposes polarisation. We don’t shy away from presenting any argument so long as it is supported with substance.
When Noa's editors create politically sensitive Series, they make a big effort to include a variety of opinions on the subject in question. This approach is grounded in our editorial principles.
How do you control biases when creating Series?
Naturally, this can be hard, but we believe we have a strong approach. We start by first ensuring that we acknowledge both our individual and collective biases and to build awareness of them. Then, when crafting Series, we are guided by a set of editorial principles that requires us to present multiple perspectives in every Series possible. So, regardless of our individual leanings, our approach pushes us to include alternative ways of thinking and viewing the news.
Who writes the guides to Noa’s Series?
Noa’s editorial team produces all the supporting material that combines to make Series easier to navigate. Our editors take the responsibility for writing these as they understand just how difficult it can be to make sense of the news. While we can all typically appreciate the headlines and comprehend a story at a surface level, the deeper detail can quickly become quite complex. With this additional material, they want to guide you from article to article to ensure you get the most value from the Series.
The only exception to the above is if we have a guest Series – in these situations, our guest will write their own words with our editors offering input only if required.
Found an error, how do I report it?
While we won’t be happy that you found an issue, we will be much happier that you reported it to us. Please contact us here and provide as much relevant detail as you see fit.
We hold ourselves to high standards at Noa, but we are merely human and do make the odd mistake. Bringing these to our attention only allows us to understand where we have gone wrong.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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