Features that Make Listening Easy
What features are available in the mobile app?
Here are some of the many features currently available:
- Playback speed adjustment, from 1.0x to 2.5x
- Sleep timer
- Rewind 15-seconds
- Read along (displays original article text)
- Custom article queue
- Download and listen offline
- Save articles
- AirPlay (iPhone only)
- Share articles
If we're missing any particular feature that you like to see, please let us know by reaching out here.
We’d love to know what you think we should work on next.
Can I adjust the playback speed?
Yes, when using the mobile app, you are in full control. Open up the article play screen and look for the “Speed” button. You can adjust this from 1.0x (the original speed of the recording), to 2.5x (150% faster than the original speed).
Can I turn off autoplay?
No, but we do have another alternative. If you want the app to stop playing after a period of time, the sleep feature can be used. You can find this on the play screen of any article within the mobile app. It will stop the audio playing after a specific period of time, or even at the end of the currently playing article.
Is there a Sleep Timer?
Yes, there is currently a sleep timer in our mobile app. Go to the play screen of any article and select the “Sleep” button, located in the lower left corner. Next, set your time, and rest your head. Sweet dreams.
Can I view the original article text whilst listening?
Yes, but only from within Noa’s mobile app. If viewing an article card within a Series or through the articles page of the app, press and hold the article until an article menu appears. From there you can select “Read along”. This will open the original article’s webpage.
If the article in question is already playing and the play screen is open, press the “More” option. From there, you can once more find the “Read along” feature.
Can I queue articles to play next?
Yes, you can do this on both iOS and Android.
If viewing content on the articles page of the app, simply tap the queue icon that is located along the bottom of each article card, (it can be found sitting towards the centre, alongside the download icon).
If viewing articles within a Series, simply press and hold the article card and select “Queue Article”.
To adjust the order of your queue, open the play screen and select the “Queue” button. When your queue is open, you can select and hold down the three lines on the right-hand side of each article before dragging them up or down your list.
If want to remove an item from your queue, tap the hollow circle button to the left-hand side of the article and then select the “Remove” button that appears lower down on the screen.
How to add an article to my saved articles?
Saving an article allows you to easily bookmark it so that you can come back to it at some point in the future. To save a particular piece, either press and hold the article card, or if you are already playing the article and you have the play screen open, select “More” at the bottom right of the screen. Both options will open the article menu. Here you will find the option to “Save Article”.
Saved articles can then be found in the library section of the app (see the question below for more details).
How to view my saved articles?
Saved articles can only be viewed on the mobile app. Press the “Library” button at the bottom right of the screen, then select articles at the top of the screen. Next either press the “Saved” option sitting beneath the “Article” header, or swipe your finger to the left of the screen (the latter command will move you from the downloaded article screen to the saved articles).
How do I cast Noa’s audio so that it plays on other devices?
For iPhone holders with AirPlay enabled, please see the question below. Otherwise please read Apple’s audio support guide here.
For Android owners, you can cast your audio using this guide put together by one of the publishers we work with, Insider.
Can I use Apple Airplay to cast audio from within the Noa mobile app?
Yes, this feature is enabled. When on the play screen of a given article, select the “More” option towards the bottom right of the screen. Next, select the “Airplay” feature.
How to search for a Series/article/journalists/publishers?
On mobile, select the magnifying glass in the top right of the app, or on our website select “Search” from the top menu bar. When selected you will be presented with a text box at the top of the screen where you can type specific words/names.
On this screen, you can also browse the app's categories to discover more Series.
While publishers can be found via the search window, they are also available from the mobile app’s quick access menu. Select the “Home” icon at the bottom left of your device, then, below the main Series card, select the “Publishers” button.
How can I request a feature for Noa to add?
Our developers love to hear how they can enhance your listening experience. If you think we are missing something, please get in touch here.
Going Offline
Can I listen to Noa offline?
Yes, but only with our mobile app. You can download articles and Series whilst on WiFi or mobile data. Once downloaded, you can access any downloaded content in the “My Library” section of the app.
How do I download audio for offline listening?
You can download either entire Series or individual articles. Series and article cards have a convenient download shortcut (look for an arrow pointing down). Pressing this once will commence the download process. Once complete, the icon will change to a tick symbol.
You can also download Series by opening them and selecting the “Download” option that sits below the Series description. Articles can also be downloaded by opening up the article menu (either press and hold an article card, or if already playing the article, select “More” on the play screen). From there you will see the option to download the article.
Where do I find my downloaded content?
Once downloaded, you can access all offline content in the “Library” section of the app.
How do I remove downloaded content?
Once downloaded, pressing the tick symbol that appears over the Series or article card, will instantly remove the content from your device. After this, it will no longer appear in your library.
How much space does downloaded content take up?
Thankfully, the answer is very little. A 6-minute audio article takes up about the same space as a high-quality image – about 3MB. For comparison, 1-hour of listening to Noa is about the same as 12-minutes of high-quality music streaming on Spotify or 2-minutes of 720p video streaming on YouTube.
Will the mobile app track my Series and article progress whilst I am offline?
Yes, we understand how important it is to keep track of how much of an article or Series you have completed. If you partially complete a Series whilst offline, the mobile app will recognise this and ensure that when you come back online that you can resume your listening where you last left off.
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