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    This is what our listeners have to say.

    Excellent app, narration is the best I've personally heard and series are fantastic they keep me informed topic by topic and a very good publisher selection.

    Adam Reid

    This app is such a great way to keep up with news! Love the series format.

    Carrie Hamelin

    I’m a big fan of the Noa app. I mainly use it when I’m in the car as an alternative to mind numbing DJ’s on the radio!

    Barry Horan

    The way Noa arranges articles into short playlists (which they call “Series”) is brilliant! These Series make it easy to stay on top of all the news around the world...

    Matt Loughty

    Always knew @newsoveraudio were on to something good!

    Pamela Blake

    A brilliant product. Highly recommend downloading and subscribing to @newsoveraudio

    Shawn Maynard

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